- Call Property Owner
- Call 311, ask that an inspector from the Health and Housing Departments come.
- Save the complaint number and post it on “Rats Inside Buildings” group chat with your name, apartment and building number
- Call Health Department Inspector Rashmi, 646-648-0856, and make an appointment for her to inspect your apartment and ask that she inspect your whole building.
- Email Alyssa Ferreira at Council Member Abreu’s office, [email protected]. Include the complaint number, your name, address, apartment and a brief summary of the reason for complaint.
- When Inspector Rashmi has posted the complaint it become indisputable proof for a judge to compel the property owner to act. File for a court date.
- Bring a copy of your lease, identification, a utility bill like ConEd’s and money to pay for the filing
- Go to court on the date with a copy of the documentation for the judge to see. With confirmation from an inspector the judge will legally compel the owner to exterminate rats.